Nakayama eight-layer whetstones have almost disappeared from the market because they are high-end products. It is a perfect stone in all respects: its fineness, smoothness, speed of work and response. In Japan, 2.9 kg specimens were seen at a price of 10,000 euros.
It is a perfect grinding stone and is called "no ceiling" in Japan. This means that the stated price of the stone does not matter, no matter how much the seller offers it.
However, since this is a business, there is a fair price in the industry. In normal Japanese natural sharpening, these are the most expensive whetstones.
This stone boasts a razor-perfect shape and thickness that will last a lifetime.
Nakayama (中山)
This Eastern mine is famous for its awasedo finishing stones, and is perhaps the most sought after among sharpening professionals and hobbyists. Compared to stones of similar hardness and fineness from other mines, Nakayama stones are known for a more pleasant sharpening sensation and high work speed. Multilayer stone (Hondomae, Shikitomae) and Kiita are especially valued.
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