
Ohira Renge Suita

Original price was: 480,00 €.Current price is: 390,00 €.

  • Suitable for finishing knives, scissors, carpentry and other tools. Also kasumi for the finish.
  • Dimensions: 207x76x22 mm
  • Weight: 707 g
  • Hardness: Lv 4
  • The lines are secure
  • Both sides are ready for work.
  • We recommend working with warm water, because cold water deteriorates the work speed and response.

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A great versatile Ohira Renge Suit for a variety of tasks. The response is very smooth, the lines are not a problem at the moment. The Kasumi finish is bright and refined, bringing out the details of the blade material and leaving a surface that is "scratch free" in all but the harshest light. It is an excellent stone suitable for a variety of tasks - final sharpening of kitchen knives, kasumi polishing, tools, scissors. Such Ohira Suita helped the mine achieve such an outstanding reputation.

This white Ohira Shiro Suita is decorated with red "lotus blossoms", also known as a renge pattern. The stone has a good shape and size, and the lines are easy to sharpen. Both sides are ready for work.

Ohira (大平, Oohira, Ohirayama)
Western mine, famous for the quality of Uchigumori and Suita. Although the mine is still occasionally worked, exportable uchigumori and Ohira suita are increasingly difficult to find. Many miners are reportedly concerned about the long-term supply of quality uchigumori stones. Because of the superior quality of Ohira suita and uchigumori, it is not uncommon for stones from other mines to be stamped or sold as Ohira.


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