The rather small Ohira Naikumo Suita is easy to use and ideal for polishing and sharpening kitchen knives. If you press hard, the stone will release the suspension and sharpen the knife, if you apply lighter pressure, it will polish. The response is smooth and informative enough to give the user a good feel for the sharpening process. This stone would make an excellent, valuable workhorse for sharpening and polishing.
This suit has a pale cream/blue base, sparse red splotches on the renge, and some benign brown lines.
Ohira (大平, Oohira, Ohirayama)
Western mine, famous for the quality of Uchigumori and Suita. Although the mine is still occasionally worked, exportable uchigumori and Ohira suita are increasingly difficult to find. Many miners are reportedly concerned about the long-term supply of quality uchigumori stones. Because of the superior quality of Ohira suita and uchigumori, it is not uncommon for stones from other mines to be stamped or sold as Ohira.
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