Elizabeth, PAX, M. Bentz, Orion Kikuboshi Vintage used Japanese and German razors


  1. Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan Sold
  2. Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan Sold
  3. Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan
  4. 66 PAX Siperior Stainless H. Eicker&Sonne Solingen Germany (Rust roughly removed from the junction between frame and blade)
  5. M. Bentz For Barbers Use First Quality (Rust roughly removed from the junction between frame and blade)
  6. Special Made Best Extra Swedish Steel No 7131 (Rust roughly removed from the junction between frame and blade)
  7. Orion Kikuboshi Super Deluxe Best Extra Hollow Gruond (Rust removed from the junction between the frame and blade) Sold

Vintage used Japanese razors. Shows signs of corrosion and other defects (Rust roughly removed from the junction between the frame and the blade). Please watch the video carefully.

  1. Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan
  2. Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan
  3. Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan
  4. 66 PAX Siperior Stainless H. Eicker&Sonne Solingen Germany (Rust roughly removed from the junction between frame and blade)
  5. M. Bentz For Barbers Use First Quality (Rust roughly removed from the junction between frame and blade)
  6. Special Made Best Extra Swedish Steel No 7131 (Rust roughly removed from the junction between frame and blade)
  7. Orion Kikuboshi Super Deluxe Best Extra Hollow Gruond (Rust removed from the junction between the frame and blade) Sold

Additional information


1 Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan, 2 Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan, 3 Elizabeth Razor For Barbers T.K.K Tokyo Japan, 4 66 PAX Siperior Stainless H. Eicker&Sonne Solingen Germany, 5 M. Bentz For Barbers Use First Quality, 6 Special Made Best Extra Swedish Steel No 7131, 7 Orion Kikuboshi Sepre Deluxe Best Extra Hollow Gruond


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