
The main advantages of vintage razors:

  • Heat and mechanical treatment of metals, unrivalled by modern manufacturers. This allows for better sharpening of the razors to keep them sharp for a long time and shave with comfort.
  • Exact geometry. I have never seen a vintage razor crooked, which is unfortunately not the case with modern razors.
  • Time-tested quality. Vintage razors are 100 years old or more. Nevertheless, most of them have survived to this day!
  • New and used razors for every taste and budget!

    Japanese and German are usually hardened harder and will appeal to those who like a more aggressive shave. Of course, the nature of the work also depends on the sharpening.

    British and French vintage razors are characterized by a smooth shave.

    Swedish steel (also used by Japanese) is probably the sharpest of stainless steels.